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Friendship Done

Image courtesy of www.theatlantic.com
Female Celebrity (FC) and her Best Friend (BF) shared an admirable relationship that was praised by their fans and colleagues. Their friendship seemed genuine and strong; that was until Gorgeous Man (GM) entered the picture.

FC and GM hit it off. BF kept her distance as the two were becoming serious. One day, BF found herself knowing about the existence of New Dude (ND) in the life of FC. She kept quiet, minded her own business, but defended FC and ND. Meanwhile, FC and ND did their own thing in secrecy. The rumor reached GM and he stayed away from FC.

Soon, BF and GM found themselves together, which was perfect for FC. However, FC wanted GM to say something positive about her. He said he was busy. FC formed her conclusion that BF might have said negative things that made GM distant.

Time passed and FC and BF grew apart. The rift widened as they pursued diverse interests. Later, BF heard about a comment of FC that seemed to put malice in her personal life. Instead of confronting FC, BF dismissed the statement as she would rather live in truth and face her numerous commitments.

‘Keep people who love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you, and make you happy. If a person does none of these things, let them go.’ – Anonymous 

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Friendship Done
Source: Trending Chismis News

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